Tag Archives: smartphone

5 reasons to do mobile marketing

Mobile marketing occurs on easily transported devices, for example, smartphones or graphic tablets. Personalised campaigns are time and location specific. Mobile marketing is a personal experience.

Mobile marketing benefits

  1. Communication and promotion are almost instant on mobiles. Avert sharing is like endorsements between friends. If one friend “likes” and sends a promotion to another friend they might approve of this promotion too. Successful campaigns can spread virally.
  2. Mobile audiences are constantly growing. Mobile marketing simply taps into this packed market to promote your goods / services.
  3. Using mobile marketing keeps you up-to-date with your audience. Simply by being within date means your whole campaign is likely to be influenced by the latest, often coolest, developments.
  4. Mobiles are a popular channel so brands can be promoted quickly to a lot of active users.
  5. Mass mobile markets can easily turn a promotion into an online transaction. Well-designed e-commerce websites convert browsers into buyers through effortless browsing.
Mobile marketing integrates various applications.

Mobile marketing integrates various applications. From gstatic.

Ofcom identified that 94 per cent of adults own or use a mobile phone. This means that running marketing campaigns on these devices is more important than ever before. Even if you gain more browsers than usual your brand is increasing: brand awareness and the likelihood of browsers bookmarking your website for future reference.

Mobile marketing and search engines

Search engines allow your audience to find your website after seeing a mobile marketing campaign. A well-designed campaign, though, should include a link to your website, as well as, a catchy tagline or memorable video, for instance, because a marketing campaign which is remembered is more successful.

Mobile marketing is a powerful channel because smartphones are beginning to reshape social behaviours, for example, by looking at a website to get a precise fact for a real-time, and real life, conversation. Mobiles are also seen as a companion so mobile marketing allows well-executed campaigns to be less intrusive.

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  • Chang, K. (2013) ‘Like’ This Article Online? Your Friends Will Probably Approve, Too, Scientists Say. [Online] [Accessed on 08th October 2013]
  • Leppäniemi, Matti, “Mobile marketing communications in consumer markets”, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department of Marketing, University of Oulu, 2008, p. 21.
  • Ofcom. (2011) A nation addicted to smartphones. [Online] [Accessed on 08th October 2013]
  • Shankar, V. Venkatesh, A. Hofacjer, C. and Nail, P. (2010) Mobile Marketing in the Retailing Environment: Current Insights and Future Avenues. Journal of Interactive Marketing. 24 [issue number missing] pp. 111 — 120